The research is clear: nature makes kids healthier, happier, and smarter!
Spending time outdoors, in nature, is essential for children’s healthy development. Our goal is nature in every neighborhood and every park, to ensure all children in our city have equitable access to outdoor spaces where they can learn, play, and grow. Emeryville Children & Nature is also working to increase opportunities for outdoor recreation, expand nature programming at our schools and community center, and is currently hosting a series of nature pop-ups at our city parks and community gardens!
The next Nature Pop-up in our series will be at Doyle St. Park on March 1st, from 10am-1pm! Visit our events page to learn more.
Learn about the Emeryville Nature Everywhere Team, a collaboration between Emeryville Children & Nature, the City of Emeryville, EUSD, ECCL, and Head Start!
Contact us to be added to our mailing list, or to join our growing team of supporters and collaborators. You can also find out more about ECN and our projects here.
Emeryville Children & Nature is part of a global movement working to turn the trend of indoor sedentary childhoods back outside - so all children can experience the numerous benefits of nature. Frequent opportunities to explore outdoor spaces increases resilience, improves academic performance and social-emotional skills, and supports physical and mental health. Nature helps children to thrive!
Emeryville Children & Nature also advocates for an extensive native urban greening plan for our city, both as an environmental health strategy, and as a community health strategy for residents of all ages.